17 things you should do every day to train intelligence

Intelligence is very flexible and there are many things you can do each day to practice it. To smarter, mind you need three things: the provision of information; is focused on an issue or idea; forged deep thinking.

Thomas Edison was able to invent the light bulb because he has a logical thinking honed over many years; he has more knowledge of physics and his focus on solving the problem of how to create a light source for humans.

Here are a few suggestions to help you can work daily intelligence

1. Drink 2 li water for 30 minutes after waking

Your body has not been 6-9 hours water supply. Countries needed to filter wastes and fluid balance. Two large water li fluid deficit was missing when you sleep. The study of children suggests that drinking lots of water will increase the ability to resist risks of mental health. Make sure that your brain does not get dehydrated when a new day begins

2. Read the summary a book at breakfast

Instead of reading the news, read the summary or a popular book-selling - books can stimulate thought or affect your life. You should find a summary of them on google for example "summary + content + 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

3. Listen to audiobooks or podcasts while on the move

If you walk, take the public transport, cycling, download the phone book or podcast to hear speak during transfer. Select the source as a discussion on Ted talks; Blinkist with the summary of the famous book; audio books or podcasts to choose your favorite authors.

4. Drink green tea during work

Green tea has less caffeine which helps brain refreshing than coffee or other teas.

5. Lunch

Spend 15-30 minutes midday nap to refresh the mind and help you to start fresh than to work in the afternoon, work productivity and better

6. Do not use sugar

If possible you should break off with the kind of sugary drink or a cake. The fatty acids in the brain sweets are not good for operating the smart way

7. Use social networks or news several times a day

The brain is constantly adapting the information that you receive, however, if arrested catching it loaded too much information then your concentration will be destroyed. So restrict read too much information, especially information that encourages, stimulates the brain, the storm began to filter as much as information on social networks

8. Play games instead of watching TV

TV watching is a passive activity. Your brain consumes but does not process information or interact with that information. A study in 2014 showed that even a simple game like Super Mario have seen on brain effects (flexibility). Positive interaction makes your brain active instead of passive dormant for it.

9. Read'd book instead of watching TV

Reading is a proactive exercise helps the brain flexibility, by thinking and imagining the images presented through the book you're reading

10. Try programming

Programming is a great way to forging think logically and systematically. There are many free websites teach you programming.

11. See TED while cooking

Ted is a page published talks, discussion of intellectuals, researchers, scientists, teachers, celebrities ... worldwide. You will be able to learn a lot of ideas, lessons, inspired by the success of the work and their personal lives.

12. Exercise routine

Mind and your body with powerful connections. Take the time to join a gym classes, yoga, or try the action whenever you have time

13. Talk to people who are smarter than you

14. Talk to the person or controversy or opposition to you

Debate, discuss with them on issues contrary opinion will help you increase your ability to think logically and Reviewers

15. Stroll

Find the natural landscape to walk will help increase oxygen to the storm; mind is peace, tranquility; may think focusing on a problem

16. Carry a notebook

Use a pen to write down ideas, questions the book. Or carry pamphlets and record interesting things arose while reading is a great way to forging think logically

17. Spend 10 minutes at the end of the day to arrange plans tomorrow

Sort plan later in the day tomorrow will help make you more productive.


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