Detecting Earth-like planets most far

Kepler space telescope US discovered a planet about the size of Earth. It revolves around a star in 385 days.

In an online seminar today 23/7, Space Agency US (NASA) announced that Kepler telescope discovered many new planets extrasolar in recent years. Among his planet, Kepler-452b is the most special celestial, because it is the smallest planet around a star in potentially harbor life, Popular Science reported.

Planets capable of sustaining life is where water can exist in liquid form. Most planets in the universe overheated water evaporates, or so cold that water freezes. To achieve these conditions, the planet must own star in a reasonable distance, like the earth and the sun. If including Kepler-452b, total exoplanet that the scientific validation of up to 1,030.

Kepler-452b has a larger diameter globe about 60%. It revolves around a particular star in 385 days, meaning that over time only the earth's rotation around the sun 20 days. Although scientists can not yet determine the mass and material composition of Kepler-452b, few previous studies show that most likely it is rocky like Earth.

"Dear Kepler has discovered a planet and a star similar to the sun and the earth so far. The achievement of this breakthrough brings us closer to the goal to find version 2.0 of the earth," said John Grunfeld, a senior official of NASA, said.

With a value of up to $ 600 million, the Kepler space telescope started operation in space since 2009 to explore the diversity of planetary systems in the Milky Way. One of its tasks is to detect rocky planets such as Earth and revolve around its own star at just the right distance for water to exist in liquid form.

To detect extrasolar planets, the scientists applied "method shifts". When a planet moves between Kepler and star glasses separately, it will block some of the light of stars. Kepler will detect a decrease in the brightness of stars to help scientists find new planets.


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