Businesses can rent robot to welcome guests

It was the robot can recognize the person's expressions, and express their own feelings.

Robot warm welcome from the door company, a concierge to correct conference room, or even carry a cup of coffee while sitting in the hotel lounge ...

It is no longer a dream about to come true anymore. Just a few months away, the Japanese company has been able to test the full humanoid robot friendly.

Robotics SoftBank Corp., the Group has resonated when sold 1,000 robots in just 1 minute in June, are producing a humanoid robot version for now. Expected in Japan customers can pre-order right in this October.

The robot, named Pepper for Biz, aiming to use in the enterprise, which can be loaded the application to do the work for the receptionist and eventually reach potential customers.

Enterprises use this robot can customize the applications and the data indicate. For example, the robot can set to become salespeople. So SoftBank called Pepper is the foundation for Biz.

Since then, the robot of SoftBank will begin the task of Yamada Denki sales, a large electronics retailer in Japan.

Robot, is currently being developed for customer service work in general, is about to be rented at a cost of 55,000 yen per month, equivalent to about 443 USD (approximately 10 million).

Lease binding contract for 3 years.

Humanoid robot first phase of the company, known in short as Pepper ("Pepper"), selling price $ 1,600 in June. In addition, customers must promise to pay fees 120 USD / month for cloud service and 80 USD / month for insurance.

Robot first phase of Softbank caused a lot of attention around the world as the company said Pepper not read human expressions, but also know how to express its own feelings.

For example, the robot is reported to be able to read the expression on people's faces and will show fun with people they know and fear when the light suddenly turned off.

Robots may sigh when sad or bored, and it will turn a different color on the display, depending on its mood.

Patrick Moorhead, an analyst at Moor Insights & Strategy, said Pepper for Biz can be a good start for businesses interested in using the robot.

Robots are used in industrial production we are familiar. But this robot is quite new format.

"Robots of this type do the job very simple. These presentations, welcome and greet customers and ask and answer questions. They are used in the soothing environment. It is a good idea. The new robot is just the beginning, "Moorhead said.

In the not too distant future, the robot can be used in the company to do more complex tasks, such as cleaning the house, getting a letter, charging ink and paper for the photocopier in the office.

What kind of robots working in such offices may appear in the next 5 years, according to Moorhead.


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