Headache puzzles White House

Mathematics and computer is the focus now and always for everyone. Recently, the White House has the puzzle "does not seem to be solved."

President Obama is tweet from Twitter account has been issued todayPOTUS 18/5. Photo:whitehouse.
Ed Felten puzzles, deputy director of information policy of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Office of the President launched. Content puzzle as follows:

Alice and Bob play a game. They set up a team, which is going to win or lose. Before the game, both have the right to discuss strategy.

When the game begins, Alice and Bob went into two soundproofing - could not communicate with each other. Both coins and record all results Approx or Tilt. (No cheating is allowed, and both must speak the truth.) Now Alice have to guess the outcome of Bob, and Bob guess the outcome of Alice.

If at least one of the two guessing correctly, they will win. If nobody guessed correctly, they will lose.

Question: Is it tactics to Alice and Bob always win or not?

To help you familiarize yourself questions, such as Alice and Bob decided to always guess "Tilt". This strategy does not guarantee they always win, because there is 25% chance that both coins are tails. They will win with probability 75%, but this is not enough. The problem posed is 100% winning strategy.

Questions will be launched tomorrow, under this article.


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