Hurry with Windows 10, trojans spyware infection on your PC

Cybercrime in Brazil took advantage of the launch event and to launch spam campaigns designed similar to formally present the option for users to "get your copy immediately."

Microsoft tries to satisfy the high demand of users when it launched Windows 10, only applies particularly in certain countries. The official website of Microsoft Brazil has confirmed this fact (photo left).

When victims click the "Instalador Windows 10" (Windows 10 Installer), will automatically download system VBE script has been encrypted. Once launched, it will drop the Trojans spy on your system, using the slang Portugal - Brazil in the code.

Banker module is responsible for stealing data from the keyboard and memory copies. In addition, it also has the ability to release underground remote control and anti-patch techniques VM. Kaspersky Anti-Virus detects script under the name Trojan-Downloader.VBS.Agent.aok VBE.

Kaspersky has noticed an increase in malware VBS / VBE in Brazil recently. Experts of Kaspersky, Fabio Assolini is providing more information on the malware VBE is widely distributed in Brazil.


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