Hack your phone just by hand touch

More and more people implanted electronic chips into people, and Seth Wahle, a former Navy sergeant United States, is one of them, the BBC said.

Wahle is currently engineer at a company called APA Wireless and is a bio-hackers (biohacker) - a term used to call those who like to play with the limits of the body.

Now, Wahle is using electronic circuits to help us get to witness firsthand the gaps of information security in the future.

They do this not for evil purposes, but to prove that the phone and our computer could be hacked in ways we do not know.

It started from conversations at pizzeria with Soto, a security researcher and event organizers called Hackmiami in Florida.

"Seth who was eating pizza," Soto said. "And I told him, 'This, he looked like someone who likes computers,' and then I realized he had a microchip implanted in their hands!"

Wahle's Circuit of RFID microchip, a tiny device is capable of storing a small amount of data and can communicate with the device around.

Soto, who has studied the possibility intruders, both for electronics and software, which expressed interest. He suggested Wahle Hackmiami presentations at the event in 2014.

Finally, Wahle spoke about the idea of ​​using their IC as safety mechanism for a gun - made only works when the gun is in his hands.

"After the presentation, we got together to brainstorm and wondered what would happen if this IC is used in the other," Wahle said.

The two men decided to test whether there is malicious code on to other people's phone in just one touch or not. Both had spent two months to design everything and this device works right in the first try.

"Usually, these things do not always work well in time and the first try," Wahle told the BBC.

The process goes like this hack: Circuit of RFID antennas Wahle include NFC (connection technology information short range), have the ability to communicate with devices other NFC functionality. When he picked up a phone in his hand, the microchip sends a signal to the handset it. A message then appears on the phone and asks the user to open a link.

If the user opens this link will install a dirty code into the phone, making the device connected to a remote server controlled by other people. "Upon receiving the signal, the handset which considered as belonging to me," Soto said.

Within minutes, Soto was able to use a computer to download a data file from the phone in hand Wahle. In this experiment, the malicious link is not well camouflaged and can cause users to doubt. However, Wahle and Soto said just a little adjustment, notifications open the link looks just like any other notifications from the system, as required upgrade the operating system, or notices from the game Candy Crush.

Community bio hackers and computer hacker community, sooner or later software will also work together. But in Miami, Soto and Wahle said this relationship is still new.

Hackmiami in 2015, only a few biological hackers are among hundreds of experts and computer software. "It is clear that two different worlds," said Wahle said.

According to his experience, two different world in terms of both culture and ideas. "The bio-hackers bring innovations weird and frankly they rarely finishing anything, because most of them do not know enough technically to do it, and most of the comments Their often too dangerous ".

"Community traditional hackers often include a lot of good and honest people that's one of the smartest people I've ever met and they can do crazy things but a miracle."

Testing of Wahle and Soto might be the beginning of the hack by microchip implanted in the body. Phone is not just a single use NFC technology to communicate with each other. This technology is the focus of the system to pay by credit card and mobile phone like Apple and Google Wallet Pay, key words or even medical devices.

To hack by NFC IC, hackers just nearby electronic equipment, wallets, door or blood pressure measuring devices they plan to hack. At this time, you will rarely be able to meet someone with RFID chip implanted in his hand. The devices implanted in the body is not for the faint of heart, and the bio-hackers also not easy to find.

Wahle said he spent a lot of time researching different kinds of RFID to experiment and to ensure that he does not use the type of microchip with graphite or other chemicals. Then he hired a tattoo artist does microchip implanted in his hand, between the thumb and forefinger.

"This process is very painful. But the pain disappeared immediately after the needle is withdrawn. "The experiment of Soto and Wahle not violate the law. They used phone Wahle and they both know what will happen.

However the phone hacking of another that they did not know would make things more complicated, Andrea Matwyshyn, a professor and as a legal scholar at the Center for Policy Research Technology believe in Princeton, said.

In the United States, she explained, Fraud and Abuse Act, the Computer prescribed anyone break into a system without the consent of the owner will be branded as illegal.

The purpose of Soto and Wahle was not stolen personal photos from other people's phones, which is pointed out the weaknesses in the devices that we use everyday.

"I do not want to brag that we can implant microchip NFC on hand and broke into an Android phone," Wahle, who is also working for a security company information establishment named Caveo Security said.

"My message, which is that I can do this with a technology, and while technology develops, it can be applied to everything. We hack a device to show other people that it can be hacked ".


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