These forecasts come true after a hundred odd years

Some scientists, technical experts and writers, filmmakers had the right to a strange prediction about what will happen or occur in the future, even hundreds of years before they become a reality.

10. Mark Twain

In the short story "From the 'London Times' of 1904" written in 1898, the American writer Mark Twain had predicted the advent of the Internet. "Static testing tools," according to his description of reality is the foundation for the phone system and the transmission of live video over the network worldwide.

9. Roger Ebert

Film critic Roger Ebert Americans ever made numerous predictions in 1987. He believes the world will have the technical and displaying high-definition (HD), the wide-screen television, movies on demand and disc DVD.

John Elfreth Watkins 8.

A civil engineer John Elfreth Watkins Americans wrote the article "What happens in the next 100 years" in 1900. In it, he describes the appearance of the tank, television, photography techniques Digital and mobile phones.

7. Robert Heinlein

In 1941, science fiction writer Heinlein US foresaw a period of tension between the two major powers, with the deployment of weapons of mass destruction, referring to the Cold War. In particular, Mr. Heinlein also predict the advent of waterbeds 7 years before they exist.

6. Jules Verne

In the work "From the Earth to the Moon" in 1865, the French writer Jules Verne described the spacecraft is equipped with missile and space telescopes advanced. He also predicted that the US would put a man on the moon water first.

5. Apple

In 1987, Apple has produced a video set in 9/2011, which shows an assistant based on voice and touch-screen computers. And right in 9/2011, the voice assistant Siri was unveiled on its iPhone handsets.

4. Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke

In the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey" in 1968 by Arthur C. Clarke writer and director Stanley Kubrick, the audience can see a device like the iPad. Equipment is built like that, Samsung have used it in a patent lawsuit with Apple party.

3. Star Trek movie

The copying device, is used to create objects in the famous movie from 1966, very similar to the 3D printer. Communications system also reminds many technology to mobile phones and bluetooth.

2. H.G. Wells

Author of "The World set free" by British writer HG Wells, written in 1914, has speculated about the atomic bomb 30 years ago when it appeared. He even described on residence can not be at the place appointed atomic bomb many years after the incident.

1. Ray Kurzweil

In 1998, American scientist Ray Kurzweil Computer wrote 147 predicted for 2009. And 86% of that prediction has come true, such as automatic car, Wifi and Google Glass glasses. Mr. Kurzweil currently predicts that by 2050, humans will be immortal by posting your consciousness onto a computer.


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