Sensor Elasticity sunburn alert

A device the size of nicotine patches can alert the wearer when they are out in the sun too long and need to rest.

New products from laboratory oven RMIT - Photo: RMIT.
The researchers from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) in Australia have created sensors elastic, can be stuck on the skin, with the capacity to detect the level of UV radiation and the hazardous gaseous .

Expert Group demonstrate that they can take an ordinary materials such as zinc oxide, the main ingredient in sunscreen, and turn it into an electronic sensor patch with less than 1 mm thickness, according to Mashable quoted progress Dr. Philipp Gutruf.

To make the sensor more supple, the scientists moved zinc oxide into silicone rubber substrate, materials used in contact lenses.

As a result of RMIT stickers special sensors throughout and extremely elastic, easily attached to clothing, bracelets or any other wearable devices.

As reported in the journal Small, studies show many application capabilities, such detection of UV radiation, air pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide.

Estimated production costs especially low, promising to use common future.


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