Why Apple and Google has to launch its own programming language?

Launched own programming language is something that is not a big technology can do.

Nearly a year ago, at WWDC 2014, Apple has officially introduced to the world programmers programming language of their latest Swift. Swift was promised help programmers work easier, faster and more efficiently than Objective-C language is used today. Looking a little further, Google also launched Google Go language of their open source in 2009. So why do they have to give up health center to do things like that?

The impact on the platform

When it comes to its own programming language, we will remember the leading technology companies in the world. The simple reason is because only they can afford and human resources to create such things. Microsoft in 1991 released the programming language Visual Basic (VB) as a rationalization in the development of software.

It was among the programming language first appeared and quickly achieved success on their own. However in the last few years, besides the programming language so common as C, C ++, C #, Java, ... then people will say much to own programming language Apple and Google.

Before the launch of Swift, Apple remained loyal to the use of programming languages ​​has more than 35 years old Objective-C to build applications for Mac and their i-Devices. This programming language becomes a prerequisite for programmers who want to participate in the programming of applications for the Mac App Store, iPhone, iPad, ... Programming languages ​​are considered to be quite simple and this compact is the "backbone" of almost all cult app that you are using on the Apple device today. But it was not created by Apple.

As for Google, they began the idea of ​​building the programming language of their own when it launched Google Go in 2009. But other than Apple, Google tested a lot more programming languages ​​like Google Dart (very less common), or more recently for setting Weave biInternet of Things. Google's other ecosystems with Apple, and each of their languages ​​are born usually to improve something that the developer needs to give their work.

The growth of the large technology companies leading to each unit there is even a special technology ecosystem, where their operating system is the main platform to connect all. We all know extremely important factor for evaluating the success of the commercial technology equipment is now software applications. Once you take control of the tools to create them, you will control the quality of the software platform and even the satisfaction of the users.

The value of human

Between vendors like Apple and Google with the software development unit always exist Win-Win relationship myth. While technology companies have been good for the market applications of its application, the units themselves programmers get money, fame even if their products successfully.

So the launch of its own programming language will help the technology giant could support "to the teeth" for manufacturers and application software. If you pay attention, you will see the language today was built in simplified and logical as possible. The reason is because it will help programmers old can easily move through the new platform, as well as programmers can easily get acquainted and join the world "app code" is. Even will have dozens of documents such as "Programming iOS within 7 days", "Building Android Apps in the blink of an eye", ... but we can easily search the Internet (but not documents also free).

The support will help companies like Apple and Google easier in finding qualified staff in programming, because once you've become familiar with their programming languages, the working together is very easily. However, if you are a programmer excellent opportunity for you to success on the iOS and Android platforms as is no shortage but did not need to wait until Apple or Google's invitation.

And now, just imagine: the programming language that is accessible, easy to create applications and even easier to make money from this app marketplaces appear, these new programmers would it be? Of course, the good programming language including "antiques" like C can also help you wealthy, but too clear advantages will help the programming languages ​​like Swift Apple quickly attract developers . And you know, more and more programmers will have more applications, but more applications and users, both the Apple iPhone, iPad, Macbook, ... are beneficial.

Vision and future

There is a question that probably many people wonder: so Apple and Google have obtained money from the launch programming language does not?

The answer is no, at least not directly. You can easily be programmed with Swift or Google Go without paying a fee level at all, as well as traditional programming languages ​​such. But as noted above, a programming platform stability and new development is the "profit" the best of these companies.

Since its launch, Swift has developed extremely quickly. Available from June last year, there have been a lot of programmers around the world watched and gradually transition to the programming language through the famous address (As Topcoder example). Even the best apps on the App Store in 2013: Duolingo is also a pioneer in the application switching to this new programming language.

However new programming languages ​​such has not really improved. Swift also was considered too simple and yet powerful enough to support programming for the Mac OS X platform, whereas Google's language makes people question whether they really want to build something " normative "for programming on their platform? Both Apple and Google still needs to add strength to these children, simply because they are the foundation for success on their devices. Every day they get to the programming language at hand, the day that they are still able to secure the future of the technology ecosystem of them.

Expects Apple will continue to launch new updates for Swift at WWDC next 2 days.


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