Yahoo! officially launched suicide chat application Livetext

After the leak on the App Store in Hong Kong a few days ago, Livetext of Yahoo! chat application has officially been made public.

Yahoo used to be very successful with Yahoo! Messenger chat application; however, after the emergence of mass applications such as Facebook Chat, Whatsapp, Viber ... Messenger has been "shelved" and almost death. Even so, Yahoo said that the company could break into this market, and that's why the US Internet company recently released Livetext - a chat application rather strange manner. Livetext be unveiled at an event held in Manhattan (USA).

Originally developed for two mobile platforms iOS and Android, Yahoo! Livetext been described as an "application online video message". Basically, it allows you to combine video chat - but no voice - and text chat simultaneously. Font will lay atop video. Imagine Livetext chat like you're calling Skype but no sound, in return, you can chat on the video text. Also, immediately after you close the application, video and text will automatically be deleted, not saved trace. If you still can not figure out how its activities, you can view the demo video below.

In fact, Yahoo has ever released on the App Store applications in Hong Kong and Thailand a few days ago. However, at that time, only users in Hong Kong and Thailand can be used Livetext. With the recent announcement of Yahoo !, Livetext be widely available worldwide in the next few days.

According to Yahoo !, Livetext is "the most natural way to get a real conversation." Firm promise that the application will help you "feel as if your friends are talking next door." Livetext built by a team of programmers to develop applications MessageMe ago, and Yahoo already owned MessageMe from 2014 after spending nearly $ 12 million acquisition. It is not clear the US Internet company will make money by Livetext under way, but maybe in the short-term future, the company will give priority to build a large enough user base. "When you reach a certain number of users, the opportunity to make money will naturally appear" - Adam Cahan, Senior Vice President of Yahoo !, said.


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