As modern cars more susceptible to hacking, robbed

The security research that has shown a risk from network attack against vehicles, especially cars.

According to security researchers, cyber crime directed at the automotive industry is on the rise in recent years. London police said 6,000 cars were stolen through hacking security systems of vehicles, accounting for 41% of all vehicles stolen in the city last year.

Automobiles are increasingly equipped with high-tech with internet connectivity with the ability to automatically find parking, automatic detection of obstacles, they become more and more vulnerable to cyber attacks whether guys attacks on vehicles with Whatever purpose: it can be to steal a car or harmful to the driver or other purposes.

So how did the transportation of us become the target of cybercrime?

Anything connected to the Internet can be hacked, including vehicles.

Testing of security experts recently showed a Jeep Cherokee can be remote network attacks and take control steering and brakes when it is moving on the highway. This is one of the leading security problem arises in the discussion of the recent automotive industry. Although this is an experiment is controlled by two security experts and not bring harm, but clearly at risk from network attack with the existing cars. Therefore, manufacturers Fiat Chrysler Jeep has recovered 1.4 million cars to fix security vulnerabilities.

As an increasing number of cars connected with the online- service manufacturer of electronics giant Hitachi Japan is predicted 90% of cars will be connected online in 2020-, the hole security vulnerabilities on these vehicles should be considered seriously.

Stuart Hyde, a former police sheriff Cumbria, a region in the British forces, said: "Anything connected to the Internet can be hacked, including car because hackers may impact on the connectors fitted to these vehicles ".

Duplicating electronic keys

Not only in the amount of 31 USD, the criminals can buy a device that allows them to unlock and drive a car worth several tens of thousands of dollars.

Many car models may be the subject of this device as BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Land Rover and Saab. Theoretically, modern electronic keys for a safe car, the car can not start from when it receives the signal from the locking device. However, criminals now fully capable of duplicating copies of electronic keys on the type of car.

The hackers can steal information of the vehicle owner then reprogram the boot code to unlock the car and can be combined with another device to prevent the vehicle's security system signals (when the car is hit theft) to the owner holds the real key of the car.

To fix this vulnerability, the vehicle manufacturers have added an additional layer of security to control key makes its signal emitted more difficult to copy, and communicate information between the factory and client goods are controlled more tightly. On the side of the police, they recommend installing a mechanical lock at the wheel of the car and watch as another layer of protection for this type of vehicle.

Hack infotainment system

A jeep can be hacked through entertainment system and navigation in the car. Here are the results have been the authentication security research in recent times.

Jens Hinrichsen, general manager at NXP interface products, who have many years experience working with the media circuit for connecting said: "These extensions (add-ons) for the vehicle to Internet access is also causes them vulnerable to cyber attacks from beyond ".

Experts said that the infotainment systems in cars need to be redesigned to be safer and the important communication must be encrypted using security tools.

Hinrichsen added: "Normally the vehicle network system like a house and you can walk from room to room with ease, even in the bedroom with precious things inside".


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