US accuses China veterans stolen confidential documents

The US Justice Department has indicted a former Chinese military for having copied classified documents from the computer network of the US military when he was hired for US defense contractors in Kuwait in 2013.

Mr. Wei Chen (61, lives in Westfield, Massachusetts) has been charged with perjury and causing damage to US military computer networks, Reuters Date 28/7 led to a statement from the US Department of Justice know.

Chinese men are said to have lied in a statement on military service abroad to be recruited to manage computer systems.

Chen then copied the confidential documents in personal drive and try to cover up the incident by deleting files on network activity record.

If convicted, the suspect the Chinese may be jailed up to 15 years.

Mr. Chen, a naturalized US citizen, has served in an air defense unit of the People's Liberation Army of China in the period from 1971 to 1976.

However, he did not declare this in the personal test questions before starting work at Camp Buehring in Kuwait, according to prosecution records.

The Justice Department said Mr. Chen had used the security permit to access classified documents, and has reproduced the emails and documents in his tiny hard drive. Announcement Mr. Chen has not said what the data files as well as the content of the data above is.

Mr Chen was not clear whether private attorney and inaccessible Reuters him to collect feedback.


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