Wi-Fi and cellular damage in pregnant women

Pregnant women should limit the use of mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, laptops ... for the bad effects of mobile phone radiation and Wi-Fi can cause unpredictable consequences.

Previously, women often idle "mate" with TV, books and magazines. Now, the "friend" that has been replaced by mobile devices such as laptops, tablets, smartphones ...

It would not matter if mothers use them in flight mode, playing games offline or for the symphonic music. Since in this mode the device is not broadcast, not harmful to both mother and fetus. However, if the use of mobile devices in collecting mode / broadcasting, online gaming, web surfing, watching movies ... would be very harmful.

Children, pregnant women should not be exposed to mobile phone, tablet, laptop is broadcast because they are the source of radiation can cause DNA mutation. That is the warning from Dr. Devra Davis - Researchers environmental health, as well as head of US based organization Environmental Health Trust.

Scientists have found real evidence that the radiation emitted from broadcast operations of the mobile device alters DNA and metabolism in the brain. Wi-Fi reduces the ability to identify and acquire the brain, even with adult men, it also caused reduced sperm count.

Back to pregnant women, these objects will be levels of radiation absorbed by a stronger human body contains more liquid than they.

This is a stern warning and urgent, because at present, but these women are clearly aware of the use of tobacco and alcohol will affect the health of the fetus, but the majority of them have yet to aware of the risk from radiation of mobile signal, Wi-Fi. Even many who are indifferent phone book, tablet, in the abdomen and use them in a long time.


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