YouTube will become a paid service?

Sharing service YouTube the world's largest video might change completely before the end of 2015. Accordingly, users can expect to pay a new fee is used by YouTube service.

According to The Verge, YouTube is bringing out two separate subscription service Music Key, has been testing the service since November last year; and other services to the creative direction of compelling content. Services no user names will be charged when you want to use. So YouTube will be a mixed video platform, a free and advertising, while one will be content quality and cost.

Except for a handful of video, YouTube so far remained essentially a free service with advertising. However the company was about to take the drastic change, providing new ways to help users create videos to monetize.

With over 1 billion users, YouTube strong enough to support many different streaming services, but the reaction of the music service before this information is quite mixed. Until now, the music service and YouTube still is a partnership of mutual benefit, although that relationship is not going well. Currently, the partners are different opinions about the services that the upcoming YouTube, some believe that YouTube will not promote investment Key Music.

Some partners said music still support Music Key, but they doubt "strategic priorities" of YouTube and Google. Some deal between YouTube and major music labels to expire in 2016. And with the delay formally Music Key led them to believe that YouTube is only trying to appease the music label before negotiations.

Conflicts between YouTube and the music service had for years and no sign of abating. Partners complain that YouTube does not pay enough money for their music productions, by the music products have helped increase traffic to YouTube. On the side of YouTube, the company said that it paid billions of dollars for music partners in recent years.

Although YouTube's relationship with the music industry how the upcoming biggest change is that the user may have to pay to listen, watch music on YouTube. YouTube remains the largest music streaming platform in the world - 45 of the 50 most viewed video on YouTube is still the music video. YouTube still is where the mostly young users access to music.

An option is given as free music will be played in the first period, and then will move to a fee. However many partners that it is still too early for a decision to cooperate with Youtube.

With 2 'upcoming service, YouTube, the company earned $ 4 billion of revenue in 2014, might also earning more money. However, YouTube still need to be very cautious in this conversion step, because the old model gave everything completely free to users.

YouTube also met obstacles when trying to force the artist must be registered on Music Key last year. Repeatedly delayed launch new services also show YouTube faced many difficulties in business. That's just a service pack, but as of a service package with many different types of content.


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