Why Cycle System on Windows 10 to "consume" more RAM?

Because Windows 10 has changed the way managers RAM for the regular cycle is not used, you will find state-cycle "system" hogging RAM and CPU happens far more than Windows 8.

If you have made the upgrade a PC to Windows 10, you might have realized a worrying situation when you open Task Manager: cycle "System" of Windows is always a% of CPU time and can "eat" more than 1 GB RAM!

Fortunately, this is not a memory leak error which is an advanced feature of Windows 10.

The old Windows version to save memory in any way?

If you ever learn about Windows, you'll surely know the concept of "page file". Page file is the "virtual memory" of Windows, which is used when the operating system consumes too much RAM "real" you. When RAM is nearly full, Windows will assign down the page memory page file on the drive down to avoid overflowing RAM cause crashes.

While this mechanism will help avoid Windows hangs and data loss of the application, set the page file on the hard drive has a huge damage: speed page load data from file to RAM will be very slow. The reason is because the hard drive (even the most expensive type SSD) always had speed read / write much lower than RAM. While the page file will help you to avoid application crashes and the page file is also needed to improve performance, the best situation is still your computer has enough RAM to not have access to the page file on Hard Drive.

Page file on Windows 7.

Ways of saving RAM Windows 10

On Windows 10, the mechanism page file is retained. However, each time the cycle filling your RAM, the first thing that this OS will perform compressing stored in RAM memory page. After compression, the memory page of the application is already running but little used to reduce the amount of RAM is occupied, help create space for other applications.

For example, if you're open 10 tabs and each tab Chrome browser corresponds to one cycle (process), Windows 8 will save the contents of RAM to the page file of the tabs that you've long not see coming. With the new mechanism, Windows 10 will hold the contents of this tab on RAM but will compression to reduce the amount of memory consumed. Reason cycle "System" of Windows 10 is so consuming RAM to the entire contents of RAM by compressed are stored in this cycle.

The "compression" of RAM that Windows 10 was also conducted obvious weakness: each time you revisit the long inactive tab, the operating system will be reactivated to the processor CPU can extract contents of this tab, put them in a normal state in RAM.

The computer will run fastest if only to RAM and SSD limited read / HDD.

While usage of CPU and RAM System cycle may make you worry, the truth is that you should feel happy that Windows has moved to a new way. Due to the speed of the CPU and RAM faster than hard drives (including SSD) many, many times, the "compression" direct RAM will help significantly reduce the standby time compared to downloading content on the page RAM file and vice versa.

Just so that you run Windows as long and more cycles on hold, the more consuming cycle RAM System. Therefore, it is not a software or hardware error on a PC running Windows 10's you.

The fact that Windows has once again go after rivals Mac OS X and Linux on technology "Compressed RAM" smart. Mac OS has features from compressed RAM end of 2013, while zram features Linux kernel is integrated into 3/2014 from January also helped compressed to save memory space RAM capacity.

What should you do to resolve the situation "consume" of System RAM?

In case your computer is running smoothly, you do not need to do anything to help reduce the level of RAM that the operating system and the applications that are occupied, regardless of System or other applications that make up How many gigabytes of RAM matter. Use free RAM level to assess the effectiveness of the operating system is completely wrong, as the clipboard as a bridge between the hard drive and CPU, your computer should use as much RAM as possible to help create the experience smooth, smooth as possible.

If absorbed close the application in order to save memory space for your computer, you will make the most of your RAM capacity becomes ... nonsense. That's not to mention, each time to open a document, a browser tab with which to look up information, you will again take another timeout operating system's memory stored in RAM applications.

But, as discussed above, due to decompression RAM will consume% CPU, you might feel that your computer slows reopen shock if an application "heavyweight" is on Standby. The solution for this situation include:

- Delete the applications that you do not need to, especially the kind of application, "garbage" in the background.

- Close the applications you do not run, close the browser tab unused. You as to many applications or browser tab in the System standby state as "eats" a lot of RAM. Of course, you do not need to apply this rule too radical way. If you may need to reopen a tab / applications and computers that have not been slow jerk, you do not need to rush to close the tab / applications that go.

- Buy more RAM. You, more RAM, Windows 10 as support to compression of the application memory.

System is "knight performance" of Windows 10

Because Windows 10 has changed the way managers RAM for the regular cycle is not used, you will see the status cycle & quot; system & quot; RAM and CPU hogging happen than Windows 8.
As you can see, all three above workarounds are no changes compared to Windows 7 and Windows 8. You can feel the "panic" when he saw the System "consumes" too much your RAM, but real mere fact that Microsoft has found a way to better memory management, to help bring the overall user experience is smoother and minimize latency when activating the application in the background. Through a realistic assessment of VnReview, Chrome tab maximum amount that can be opened on Windows 10 undiminished compared with older Windows versions.

Again, sincere advice we give you is less "obsessed" about the amount of RAM that your operating system is using. If the number of applications that you are enabling is not enough to make Windows more delayed shock, be dismissed thoughts anxious each time found his computer is used by more than half the maximum amount of RAM. Even cycle "System" too: this is not a "sinner", but a "knights" makes Windows 10 becomes smoother than Windows 8.


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